Thursday, March 10, 2016

Where Am I Now?

WHAT? Nine months since my last post...oops!  Time is flying and I've been busy working on improving the world!  Okay, maybe not the world, but myself!  So where am I with my health and my life nearly a year later?  Let me tell you.
I just re-read My Story that I shared at the beginning of my blog about the hardest time of my life, experiencing Lyme Disease at it's finest.  As I read it the feelings I felt during that time flooded my mind and I became emotional for two reasons. 1- I remember how hard that time was for me and I questioned daily if I would ever be able to live an active, symptom free lifestyle.  2- I know how far I've come not just physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually at this time.  This experience truly changed who I am.

I am more accepting of myself; more patient, positive, kind and loving to ME.  I like to say that I am "perfectly imperfect".  There is always something that could be improved, always someone who will be better or look better than me but dwelling on that will not make me happier.   I accept my flaws, work on imperfections, release the negative and constantly pray for help and acceptance- the naughty voice that likes to get in my head tries to remind me regularly about my imperfections and insecurities to take me back to the days when I wasn't so accepting of myself.  I have brought more light into my life and my mind and it has made a big difference in my parenting, my relationship with God, friends, my husband and those I serve.

I can enthusiastically say that I DO have an active lifestyle once again!  My fitness level is not where it once was (that couldn't be from aging, right?!) and I will be honest and say that it does bother me at times but I am able to go to the gym for regular work outs, I am able to play volleyball (not as long, often or intense as my college days but more than I have been able to for years yet it still frustrates me that I can't play everyday without being sore and needing rest) I can ride my bike, work in the yard and do most activities.  I try to push myself to improve my fitness level but when I push too hard my body reminds me that isn't a good idea.  I will get tired and sore and have to take a day or two off to regroup; I am working on being patient and understanding and gratitude for what I CAN do ( I said working on it, meaning a work in progress)!  I thank my body often for the health I have, the strength,  talents, abilities and gifts I do have and I know this helps.  Have you ever thought of thanking your body?  Try it!

I'd like to say that  my eating is as clean as it was a year and a half ago but that wouldn't be truthful.  I eat clean, cook clean, have my shakes daily but again, there is room for improvement.  I will indulge in a treat too often, eat gluten too often or have more than I need and my body will again remind me it doesn't agree and I have to be good again.  Eating can be so tricky, can't it?  Food is an addiction and it's something that I have struggled with my whole life....but that's another story for another time!  I do my best to not worry about the "bad days", throw a cleanse day in to get me back on track and move forward with motivation to do better, and I do, until I lose focus again.  Here's the big difference though- when I use to go through this cycle I would beat myself up and have a lot of emotional stress which made it worse, now I recognize the mistake, brush it off, talk myself off the ledge (lol) and move on.  That is huge PROGRESS for me and it's all because of the work I've done on my mind!  So powerful!

Speaking of the mind and power- I, along with two other amazing women, just launched a website called  It is all about transforming the body, MIND and spirit and has been a part of what is keeping me busy!  We wanted to share how we have improved our lives and provide resources for others to use when they are ready to change theirs.  You should check it out, we are pretty proud of it and hope that you will find even just one thing that can help  you begin or continue your own transformation.  

Life is what I make it.  It's gonna be good!!

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