I have had the opportunity to talk to many people around the US- friends, family and total strangers who have or are suffering from Lyme Disease or some kind of illness. A couple things I learn from each conversation is this: we all have the desire to fight our battle and support the other in theirs, knowledge of other health and healing options and the most powerful is the strength that I get from hearing their stories and advice.
My friend I have met since moving here has fought breast cancer and conquered it but recently found that her cancer is back. Though her future is uncertain she has the most POSITIVE, AMAZING attitude and is a ray of sunshine to everyone she comes in contact with. She is working on fighting her battle with a natural approach and it has been inspiring to chat with her and collaborate on ideas. She is a fighter and I am blessed to have her as a friend and inspiration.
I was at my Grandma's funeral last week (the only good thing about a funeral is the reunion) and I was able to talk to my cousin Brittany who I learned has been challenged with chronic fatigue. We both knew how each other felt and the frustrations it brings. I was amazed at her positive energy and how she has responded to her trial and was so grateful that although we don't want to go through hard times, we were able to connect and build each other up. She gave me a new light and reminded me that it's okay to take it easy, it's okay to not be perfect- I don't have to be Wonder Woman and to feel empowered in what I have learned and who I have become through this journey. Thank you Britt!
Everyone goes through some kind of trial and I think for the most part we would all take our own over somebody else's. The wonderful thing is that we have each other to learn from, lean on and be strengthened by. Thank you to the many people who have been a support and strength to me- I hope I can be the same to you.